The holidays can be a stressful time for anyone, but even more so for someone who has experienced a recent loss. Our staff of dedicated funeral professionals are committed to reaching out to the families we have served over the years to help them through this emotional season.
Our annual Lights of Remembrance Program takes place during the first two weeks of December at each of our funeral homes. This special service is open to anyone who has experienced a loss. You may have lost someone close to you. You may also be facing grief over a pet, a divorce or a change of careers. There are many forms of grief, all of which are more difficult to face during the holiday season. The Remembrance program includes extensive musical selections and a candle lighting ceremony that help create a sense of peace as you try to cope and move forward. All participants will receive an ornament to take home that symbolizes their loss.
If you would like further information regarding these services, contact us at